Beneath the waves

  • 2022.02.06

Precious coral

Title: Precious coralYear: 2022Size: 300mm diameterMedia: Oil on canvas Description:Since the Neolithic era, red coral has been harvested in droves, its skeleton – which, unlike other corals, is brill […]

  • 2021.01.10

Corsica from afar

Title: Corsica from afarYear: 2021Size: 920mm×650mm (P30)Media: Oil on canvas Description:Only on a few select days in the midst of winter, under clear skies, the sun rises directly behind the island […]

  • 2021.01.09

Underwater procession

Title: Underwater processionYear: 2020Size: 810mm×540mm (M25)Media: Oil on canvas Description:Amongst the teaming shoals swim larger fish, also unperturbed by human activity. The moment is first captu […]

  • 2021.01.09

Underwater ballet

Title: Underwater balletYear: 2020Size: 810mm×540mm (M25)Media: Oil on canvas Description:Metres away from a packed summer beach, the waters team with aquatic life. Shoals of brightly coloured fish sw […]

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