Mystical moments

“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?” – John Lennon (1940 – 1980)
  • 2021.08.27


Title: Lunacy?Year: 2021Size: 1000mm × 810mm (F40)Media: Oil on canvas Description:The Earth’s only natural satellite has fascinated humans since the dawn of time.Its impact is often believed to exten […]

  • 2021.10.05

Solar supremacy!

Title: Solar supremacy!Year: 2021Size: 1000mm × 810mm (F40)Media: Oil on canvas Description:“The Sun is the giver of life” – Ramses II Mankind owes its very existence to the Sun, “our” sun […]

  • 2021.01.31

A Japanese legend

Title: A Japanese legendYear: 2021Size: 920mm×650mm (P30)Media: Oil on canvas Description:In 14th Century Japan, a legendary dragon appeared nightly and shone light on the Ryudu-jinmeigu shrine (in Ro […]

  • 2021.06.02

Solar maximum

Title: Solar maximumYear: 2021Size: 300mm×300mm (S6)Media: Oil on canvas Description: Approximately every 11 years the Sun’s geographic poles reverse their magnetic polarity triggering solar storms &# […]

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