
  • 2024.02.01

Ghost coral

Title: Ghost coralYear: 2024Size: 795mm diameterMedia: Oil on canvas Description:A visual spectacle in its own right, white coral is a ghost of its former past. Bleached white by rising seawater tempe […]

  • 2023.04.01

Dancing waves

Title: Dancing wavesYear: 2023Size: 595 mm × 595 mmMedia: Oil on canvas Description:The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are beautiful dancing waves of light that have captivated people for millen […]

  • 2023.04.24

Aurora – atomic light show

Title: Aurora – atomic light showYear: 2023Size: 595mm x 595mmMedia: Oil on canvas Description: The lights we see in the sky are actually caused by activity on the surface of the Sun.  Sola […]

  • 2021.08.27


Title: Lunacy?Year: 2021Size: 1000mm × 810mm (F40)Media: Oil on canvas Description:The Earth’s only natural satellite has fascinated humans since the dawn of time.Its impact is often believed to exten […]

  • 2022.02.06

Brain coral

Title: Brain coralYear: 2022Size: 300mm diameterMedia: Oil on canvas Description:Though coral may look like a colourful plant growing from roots in the seafloor, it is actually an animal. Corals are k […]

  • 2022.02.06

Great star coral

Title: Great star coralYear: 2022Size: 300mm diameterMedia: Oil on canvas Description:Coral polyps are usually clear. The bright colours that characterize many corals are actually various types of alg […]

  • 2022.02.06

Finger coral

Title: Finger coralYear: 2022Size: 300mm diameterMedia: Oil on canvas Description:Individual red coral specimens, called colonies, spread vibrant crimson branches, their ghostly polyps waving in the c […]

  • 2021.10.22

Mountains to climb

Title: Mountains to climb Year: 2020Size: 810mm×600mm (P25)Media: Oil on canvas Description:Alaska is, and has been for millions of years, one of the most geologically active regions in North America. […]

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