Title: Cat’s Talk Project
Year: 2004 ~ 2010
Motifs: Cats, simple black strokes

Colours: bordeaux, red, orange, yellow, chartreuse, green, aqua, blue, pink, violet
Size: 1445mm × 893mm
Media: Digital Art,  limited edition print
Exhibition method: The exhibition took place in public spaces, cafes, restaurants, Tokyo University, Kyoto University, and banks in Tokyo and Fukuoka, among other places.
This project aimed to create a local connection by communicating with passers-by.


“I don’t want to confine myself to traditional art channels but seek to expose my work to a broader audience. To do so, I initially launched a collaboration with two universities: the University of Tokyo (Kashiwa Venture Plaza) and Kyoto University.

They enabled me to display my work in well-frequented public spaces, allowing me to engage with the community.

Adopting this approach, I subsequently took my work to two important venues in the Otemachi financial district of Tokyo – the Sankei building and the iconic Otemachi Café.

Over a period of three years, I presented a series of works – “Konpeito”, “Mikan”, and “New York” under the sponsorship of the Mitsubishi Estate and in collaboration with the NPO Daimaruyu Area Management Association and the Ministry of Education, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT).

Then, in 2006, I presented my most important work – “Planets”, sponsored by JAXA – the Japanese National Aerospace Exploration Agency.

I firmly believe that art is a means to engage with society and is to be enjoyed by many.”

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