Pop-up Exhibition in April to July 2024 @ Monaco

Pop-up Exhibition in April to July 2024 @ Monaco

Sakura (cherry blossom) holds significant symbolism as a quintessential herald of spring in Japanese culture.

In Tokyo, Sakura blooms for one week to ten days, typically in late March and early April, coinciding with warmer weather. Sakura forecasts dominate the news throughout March, creating anticipation for the cherry blossoms. Then, as the Sakura petals fall, the wind orchestrates a delicate flurry known as a Sakurafubuki, or the cherry blossom snowstorm, with the fluttering and falling of Sakura petals eventually enveloping the air in a harmonious dance.

Sakura marks the arrival of spring and new beginnings for many individuals: graduations, admissions, encounters, and farewells. Its ephemeral nature beckons each individual to reflect on hopes and aspirations and experience the present.

I encourage viewers of this exhibition to discover the hues of Sakura that resonate with them.

Title: New Beginnings
Size: 60 × 60 cm
Medium: Print

Title: More Precious than Gold?
Size: 40 × 40 cm
Medium: Print







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