Title: CAT’S TALK PLANETS – a series of 8 mixed media pieces featuring the Moon and 7 planets, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Year: 2005 – 2007
Size: 1000mm×803mm (The Moon and Earth), 727mm×606mm (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
Media: Mixed media (Pigments, Acrylics, Japanese ink, Gold leaf, Silver leaf)

Description: In the deep dark depths of outer space, we find these colourful orbs – our “neighbours”, and as unlikely as it is that any of the planets in our solar system have or have had any form of life, the Planets in Yasue’s series have each been visited by space-faring cats -each of whom identifies with their respective host!!
The Planets collection was part of a collaboration with JAXA (the Japanese National Space Exploration Agency) as part of their theme “Space and Art”.
The paintings were displayed in the Otemachi Café in Tokyo, a community space linking people with the city and the environment, together with several scale models of rockets provided by JAXA.